Give away - 1200 GBP website
What's the catch?
Well there is no catch. We can invest in ads, cpc and cpm banners, mailing lists and even buy some fans on facebook or twitter followers. WE BELIEVE IN WORD OF MOUTH/SOCIAL NETWORKS AND HAPPY CUSTOMERS and this is why give away is our decision. One of you will get 1200 GBP voucher that can be used to build full corporate site with domain and 1 year web hosting, or for discount on any Web/E-commerce project. Stay tuned, details are coming soon ;-)
All others, don't despare: we have special give away for you too!
We also do converting of large datasets and data manipulation. For example: if you need to export your Access datasets, add something to every record, or to export set of records from other source (CSV, XML, Jason, SQL) and import it to Oracle database? We might be the right company to help you do this.
Maybe you would like to get better performace of your e-commerce site, or in need for some special modules that will automate your site? Tell us your ideas and we'll be glad to help you.
To get more feeling about range of our services please browse the site, and don't forget our references.